Todo comenzó con «Dick In a Box». Entonces vino «Motherlover». Justin Timberlake y Andy Samberg se han metido por tercera vez en el papel de 2:30 AM, su boy band álter ego de los años 90, para traernos un trío con Lady Gaga: «3-Way (The Golden Rule)»; porque cuando hay dos chicos y una sola mujer, hay que recordar la regla de oro.
Download: 3-Way (The Golden Rule) (feat. Justin Timberlake)
Justin Timberlake and Andy Samberg seemed at ease with Lady Gaga in their hilarious «Saturday Night Live» digital short, «3-Way,» but the singer says the two were at a loss for words when they asked her to be a part of it.
«I wish that they filmed the backstage scenario as both Justin and Andy Samberg tried simultaneously to pitch this idea to me and they both choked on the way in,» Gaga said in a radio interview with Mojo in the Morning today.
«Justin was like ‘Umm so umm, we have a skit idea and umm, well I’m not really good at this I’ll have Andy tell you.’ Then Andy came and was like ‘Well umm bluh blah we have this skit idea.’ Then they both came in finally and they told me the story and I’m like, ‘Guys, I get it.’ They’re like ‘We really like each other.'»
And even though the skit got major laughs on Saturday night, Gaga didn’t get the initial joke Timberlake and Samberg were going for.
«I said, ‘I mean I’ll do it but I don’t get why it’s funny,'» she added. «And they’re like «It’s a three-way. We want to do a three-way.»
«3-Way» is a sequel to Timberlake and Samberg’s previous hit, «Motherlover.»
In it, Timberlake and Samberg — in really bad facial hair and ’80s-era fashion — sing the praises of having a menage a trois.
«It’s not gay when it’s in a three-way,» Timberlake and Samberg sing, with their third partner, Gaga, on backing vocals. «With a honey in the middle and some lee-way. The area is gray in a three-way.»
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