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Letra de «Bigger Than The World»

I think my heart might explode
Cause now I feel the weight of your love on me now
From my head down to my toes,
cause I can’t handle nothin’ else

I’m staring at the mirror at these clothes
That is funny, they mean about as much as yesterday
Something is calling me home, me home
I can hear your voice and I’m not afraid

Now I know I’m just a girl
Trying to make my way through this life
Now I feel bigger than the world
With your hand in mine

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Conversación con 6 comentarios...


Es excelentee!!!


wuenisimA canciòn!!!


todo lo q hace, canta, toca justin es simplemente perfecto..........!!!!


Thank U so much baby


God damn¡ Beautiful beautiful song and the best part of it:
The Earth is a little place next to my love... Just look for me in the sky, I'm not that far
There is no doubt about it... he's more than just a great writer... He's the writer
Best regards

i♥me i♥JT

aww graciass por la letra de la cancion esta cute! =)
ya me voy ah aprenderr mas rapidoo la cancion xD

take care!!



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