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Posible letra de la colaboración con Madonna

La fuente de esta noticia nos revela como suena la colaboración de Justin Timberlake con Madonna, además de añadir la posible letra de la canción:

«It’s a GREAT track. I adore it… more than «Hung Up» and its got HIT
written all over it.

It’s sort of electronic hip hop. It has that Justin Timberlake beats, with
electronic blips and low level groans. It’s VERY American sounding, BUT VERY
European at the same time. The beats and the bass are very Justin
Timberlake, Timbaland etc., but there is a whole electronic thing, almost
like Mirwais Light. It’s very layered. Her voice goes from deep, to high, to
spoken. The music has beats, and groans, and blips, and guitars. There is a
lot going on.

This could, very well be just a demo… and it may not end up on the final
album… but I’m pretty certain it WILL be the lead single and a great way
to kick off a new era».

See which flavor you like and I’ll have it for you
Come on in to my store, I’ve got candy galore
Dont pretend you’re not hungry, I’ve seen it before
I’ve got turkish delight baby and so much more

Get up out of your seat (your seat)
Come on up to the dance floor
Ive got something so sweet (so sweet)
Come on up to the front door
I need plenty of heat (heat)
Form a special connection
Just start moving your feet (your feet)
Move on over to me

I’ll be your one stop (one stop)
Candy shop (candy shop)
Everything (everything)
That I got (that I got)
I’ll be your one stop (one stop)
Candy store (candy store)
Lollipop (lollipop)
Have some more (have some more)

My sugar is raw (erotica whisper)
Stickey and Sweet (high pitched vocoder)
Dance Dance Dance (like erotica moaning kind of echoes throughout whole

All the suckers are not all we sell in the store
Chocolate kisses so good
you’ll be beggin for more
Dont pretend you’re not hungry
Ive got plenty to eat
Come on in to my store
cause my sugar is sweet!

Get up out of your seat (your seat)
Come on up to the dance floor
Ive got something so sweet (so sweet)
Come on up to the front door
I need plenty of heat (heat)
Form a special connection
Just start moving your feet (your feet)
Move on over to me

I’ll be your one stop (one stop)
Candy shop (candy shop)
Everything (everything)
That I got (that I got)
I’ll be your one stop (one stop)
Candy store (candy store)
Lollipop (lollipop)
Have some more (have some more)

See which flavor you like and I’ll have it for you
Come on in to my store, I’ve got candy galore
Dont pretend you’re not hungry, I’ve seen it before
I’ve got turkish delight baby and so much more

Get up out of your seat (your seat)
Come on up to the dance floor
Ive got something so sweet (so sweet)
Come on up to the front door
I need plenty of heat (heat)
Form a special connection
Just start moving your feet (your feet)
Move on over to me

I’ll be your one stop (one stop)
Candy shop (candy shop)
Everything (everything)
That I got (that I got)
I’ll be your one stop (one stop)
Candy store (candy store)
Lollipop (lollipop)
Have some more (have some more)

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