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Bienvenida maorí el pasado jueves en Nueva Zelanda

Pop sensation Justin Timberlake and his actress girlfriend Jessica Biel were «blown away» by their traditional Maori welcome to Aotearoa on Thursday night. The SexyBack singer spent Thursday afternoon practising his golf swing at Northland’s exclusive Kauri Cliffs golf resort, before heading to the powhiri in Auckland, performed by the Tira Hoe Waka group.The 30-strong kapa haka group were impressed by the famous couple’s down-to-earth nature, and over the moon at Timberlake’s generosity in gifting them 50 free tickets to his Friday gig.

«Justin wanted to see the ‘Ka Mate Ka Mate’ haka, so we incorporated that into the welcome», Kylie Poihipi, who was Timberlake’s usher, said.

«He was scared as Stacey [Morrison] and I ushered him towards the kapa haka group. He asked, ‘Are they going to kill me’? We explained that we had to see if he came as a friend or an enemy. He said, ‘I come in peace'».

Morrison and her Maori TV presenter husband Scott were asked to organise the welcoming party for the superstar at Auckland’s Viaduct Harbour. Morrison had printed flyers for Timberlake’s 100-strong crew with explanations of Maori tradition and expected behaviour.

«After we made our traditional speech of welcome Justin responded», Scott Morrison said. «He said ‘kia ora’ a couple of times, and said he was really amazed by the performance, and humbled by the experience. We insisted he sing a song – as tradition expects us to do – and he started singing, You Are My Sunshine. He sang it alone for three lines before his crew joined in».Timberlake and Biel mingled after the formalities, much to the Kiwi group’s delight. Biel admitted she had seen a powhiri before but felt it was too touristy, Poihipi said.«Jessica was awesome and we loved showing them how us Maori roll in Aotearoa», she added.

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