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La emisora de radio Hot 99.5 se convierte en Justin99.5

La emisora de radio Hot 99.5 se ha conviertido hoy en Justin99.5, para celebrar el lanzamiento del segundo álbum de Justin en solitario. Podéis visitar la web que tiene un diseño exclusivo y donde han estado poniendo contínuamente musica de Justin: www.justin995.com

Today, September 12th, 2006 @ 7am Hot 99.5 will become Justin 99.5-playing all Justin Timberlake, all day long! This decision was made to commemorate the release of Justin Timberlake’s brand new cd «FutureSexLoveSounds» that hits stores today.

«Justin is a core artist for the Top 40 format and the release of his new CD has been anticipated for months. It’s packed with hit after hit and we are excited to highlight his new CD on Justin 99.5!» stated WIHT, Program Director, Jeff Kapugi.

Justin 99.5 will play tracks from Justin’s new release, his old cd and the N’Sync hits as well. Not only will this live on the air, but the «Justin» theme will be live on the website at www.justin995.com where you can see all things related to the Jive Records recording artist all day long.

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