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Instagram: You will always be one of my biggest idols. You taught me so much about how to keep it simple and real

  • La galería de imágenes se ha visto 72 veces.
  • +2 imágenes

You will always be one of my biggest idols. You taught me so much about how to keep it simple and real. I felt such a kinship with you even before we met. Your words and melodies... the chords that accompanied them... they reached into my soul and spoke to me so deeply. That's what your music did. It brought so many of us closer to you and to each other. And, to actually know you was truly something special. You shined a light that was so unique and warm. I looked up to you the same way I looked up to my Poppa... and he was my favorite human in the world. You have always been one of the greatest and will forever be. I will miss your jokes and I will never forget your advice to me about music... "How does it make you FEEL? That's the only question you have to answer".

Rip Mr. Withers. One of a kind.

Ps. Swipe over to get a glimpse of the jokester he was. A little backstory: he led a songwriters discussion with Max, Shellback and myself and took the time out to put together a story and made us all think it was from a real bio. Who does that?? Only Mr. Bill.

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