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Timberlake es un actor elegante, según Space Justin Timberlake

Comunidad Noticias y opinión Timberlake es un actor elegante, según Space

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    From Mercury News: LOS ANGELES – Pop singer Justin Timberlake is a smart actor, according to two-time Academy Award winning star Kevin Spacey. The two of them co-star with Morgan Freeman in the thriller «Edison,» scheduled for release next year.

    «I think that Justin recognizes that that part of his life may not last forever,» Spacey tells Zap2it.com about the singer. «He of course loves music, but he always wanted to act.» This comes from Spacey a week before the actor is releasing his film «Beyond the Sea» about singer Bobby Darin. Spacey sings all the songs as the 1960’s crooner. Actors can be singers, and vice versa, he points out.

    «You know, people tend to forget that he was on `The Mickey Mouse Club,’ so it’s always been something that he wanted to do and I think that rather than creating a movie that they sort of built around him as we’ve seen happen with other pop stars, he found a script in which he had a really good role in it,» Spacey says, defending Timberlake. «He surrounded himself with good actors.»

    Spacey has reunited with the head writer from the TV show «Wiseguy,» David J. Burke, who is directing the film. Timberlake plays a reporter who hasn’t yet proven himself, and Spacey plays a police officer. The cast also includes Dylan McDermott, LL Cool J and John Heard. But, none of the veteran actors needed to give Timberlake any advice. «He’s a smart actor who hasn’t proved himself,» says Spacey. «It’s a pretty good part for him.»


    El cantante Justin Timberlake es un actor inteligente y muy talentoso de acuerdo al 2 veces ganador del Oscar Kevin Spacey. Los dos, junto con Morgan Freeman son las estrellas del thriller «Edison», pelicula que se estrenara el año que entra.

    «Creo que Justin reconoce que esta parte de su vida no durara por siempre, es por eso que lo hace con tantas ganas. La musica es su primer amor pero el siempre habia querido actuar,» comento Kevin Spacey.

    «A Justin le ha ayudado mucho el rodearse de buenas actores en sus peliculas quienes le han enseñado como se hacen las cosas, ademas busca buenos papeles para interpretar y eso es importante.

Re: Timberlake es un actor elegante, según Space

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