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You're still captivating even though it's been so long
You used to love me tell me baby what went wrong
'Cause now you march to the beat of a different songTried to understand that we needed space
But everywhere I turn, I see your face
And I've been waiting for you to come home
'Cause I don't want to be alone
I still love youWhy did you take away your love?
When did you think to just give up?
How am I supposed to carry on now without you?
You are my lightI have changed girl, since I last saw you
When you left, you don't know what you put me through
But my heart's still racing just being next to youI can't escape the magic in your eyes
Is there a way to make you realize
There's no one more special to my heart
But you want us to be apart
I still love youWhy did you take away your love, baby?
When did you think to just give up, yeah?
How am I supposed to carry on now without you?You were my world
You meant everything to me
You're the air I breathe
The song I sing
You were my queen, I was your king
But if we can try to work it out
We'll show the world what love is about
Baby, come home, 'cause I can't take no more
Of this loneliness and emptinessWhy did you take away your love?
(Take away your love)
When did you think to just give up?
How am I supposed to carry on now without you?Why did you take away your love?
When did you think to just give up?
How am I supposed to carry on without you?
You are my, you are my light
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