Letras Traducción ↓
Treat me like a curse
Then tell me I'm your saviour
I'm living with a stranger
I used to know so well
Waiting for your answer
Is a kind of torture
Could I grow accustomed to this kind of hell?Are you walking the dog, 'cause that dog isn't new
Are you out of control, is that dog walking you
Haven't you had enough, now your time is up
Baby show me your hellVoices start to ring in your head
Tell me what do they say
Distant echoes from another time
Start to creep in your brain
So you claim madness like it's convenient
You do it so often that you start to believe it
You have demons so nobody can blame you
But who is the master and who is the slave?First you say you love me
Then you wanna leave me
Then you say you're sorry
You play the game so well
I bought your illusion
You're the greatest salesman
How could I refuse you
When you sold it to yourselfAre you walking the dog, 'cause that dog isn't new
Are you out of control, is that dog walking you
Haven't you had enough, now your time is up
Baby show me your hellVoices start to ring in your head
Tell me what do they say
Distant echoes from another time
Start to creep in your brain
So you claim madness like it's convenient
You do it so often that you start to believe it
You have demons so nobody can blame you
But who is the master and who is the slave?
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