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Entrevista en Capital 95.8 en un hotel de Londres

Johnny and the gang got a bit bored waiting for Justin to arrive. So, after taking a shower and stealing a few vases the interview got under way, it was certainly worth the wait!

Justin Timberlake made the mistake of letting Johnny and the gang in to his London hotel room. Not satisfied with just an interview, and bored of waiting for Justin to arrive, Johnny had a shower!

Justin Timberlake talks about his favourite hotel rooms, and the best things to steal! There’s a lot of talk about sweats and thongs…and then Johnny gets round to asking about Shrek 3.

It’s confusing, but if you can follow the interview it’s worth a listen just to hear Justin and Johnny singing the ‘Looney Tunes’ theme!

Entrevista Johnny (Capital 95.8) (6.12.2007)

Formato: MP3
Duración: 8 minutos 39 segundos
Tamaño: 7,91 MB

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