I'm so proud of these incredible students at @staxmusicacademy - they blew me away again this year, and I'm happy we were able to make this program work despite the fact that we couldn't do it in person. A lot of zooms later — it's clear this group of students has truly taken their art to the next level. Honored to be part of it… and to witness the progress. Y'all are so talented. Here are a few clips from the process, which I hope inspires any young people interested in making music, to keep working and keep collaborating. Can't wait to do this again next year - in person in Memphis! 🙏🏻
<i> Buscamos editores y editoras para la página web; te centrarías en la traducción de artículos y entrevistas en inglés relacionadas con cualquier aspecto de actualidad que gire en torno a Justin Timberlake: música, cine, deportes, moda, eventos, etcétera.
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