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Instagram: Thank you pushing me to get ready for #PALMER...

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My guy @benbrunotraining kicking my ass again! Thank you pushing me to get ready for #PALMER... and for always helping to achieve my goals for roles, tour and LIFE!!! 🙌🏻

benbrunotraining Throwback to last year when @justintimberlake was training to get in shape for his role in Palmer, which comes out tomorrow. He set a goal to gain 15 pounds for the role and trained his ass off—sometimes twice a day. Justin trains constantly year-round, but once he sets a goal, he goes after it with an intense focus and effort and does whatever it takes. Here he's doing an eccentric-emphasis landmine press with 120 pounds on the bar, which is seriously strong. None of the pro athletes I train have been able to beat this yet, and I haven't either, which is actually super annoying because lifting is the one thing I thought I could do better than him. It's really cool to see a guy in Justin's position putting forth this type of effort and moving heavy weight because it doesn't matter who you are, you can't buy results in the gym. You have to work for it. He's a beast, and I think you'll love the movie.

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