Justin Timberlake, Ryder Allen and Cheryl Guerriero talk to GLAAD about their film Palmer
Our Head of Talent, Anthony Ramos speaks with Justin Timberlake, Ryder Allen and Cheryl Guerriero about their film "Palmer" coming to Apple TV+ on January 29. The film tells the story of an unlikely bond between a man trying to put his life back together after getting released from prison and a young boy who is often bullied for playing with dolls and dressing up like a princess.
<i> Buscamos editores y editoras para la página web; te centrarías en la traducción de artículos y entrevistas en inglés relacionadas con cualquier aspecto de actualidad que gire en torno a Justin Timberlake: música, cine, deportes, moda, eventos, etcétera.
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