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ABC: Barbara Walters 20/20 - Justin Timberlake

  • Visitas: 249

In his first major interview, pop sensation Justin Timberlake will talk to ABC News' Barbara Walters about his career, his band *NSYNC, plans for the future and his personal life after breaking up with Britney Spears. The interview, from his family home in Memphis, TN, will air on a special edition of 20/20 on MONDAY, NOV. 4 (8-9 pm, ET) on the ABC Television Network

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Wow! I had never seen this or the Diane Sawyer interview. I admit that I have always thought that Justin seemed like a cocky jerk. & I don't like some of the things he has done......But he is still a human being & I think he deserves forgiveness. He was really young. He has apologized to Brittany & Janet. I also remember back when Brittany was going through her break down in 2007 he said that it made him feel sad when he was asked about it. I also think that he is sincere with his support of Brittany. I just hope things get better for Brittany soon.

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