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en español

  • Álbum: Man Of The Woods
  • Artista: Justin Timberlake
  • Compositor: Justin Timberlake
  • Productor: Justin Timberlake
  • Fecha de venta (álbum): 2 de febrero, 2018
  • Visitas: 325
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When I wear his shirt, it feels like, like his skin over mine
And the little holes and tears and shreds on it are, are, are the
The memories of the past that I wasn't there for, but, that somehow I, I, I
Feel like I understand more when it's against my skin
It's an armor, like a barrier from the world
Like, our secret nobody else knows and I like that, you know?
It makes me feel like a woman, it makes me feel sexy
It makes me feel, it makes me feel like I'm his
(I'm his, I'm his, I'm his, I'm his, I'm his)

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