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The Hidden Meanings of Justin Timberlake's Tattoos

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1) Cross Tattoo—Left Arm

His Celtic Cross on his arm symbolizes his undying faith. Born to pastors in the "Bible Belt", Timberlake's belief in his faith has remained strong, even after acquiring fame.

2) Chinese Symbol—Right Ankle

The smallest tattoo, the Chinese character translates to "music" and "song".

3) Astral Band—Calf

Christianity isn't the only belief Timberlake holds; he's also an avid Astrology fan. His astral band shows his Zodiac sign, the sign of Aquarius.

4) Marionette Tattoo—Right Leg

On the other side of his right leg, Timberlake has a tattoo of a marionette, a reference to NSYNC's album No Strings Attached and their puppet-themed-music videos: "Bye Bye Bye" and "It's Gonna Be Me".

5) NSYNC Logo and Initials—Right Leg

Early Justin Timberlake fans remember that the singer didn't acquire his fame by himself—he was a core member of the pop band NSYNC. Each member of NSYNC has tattooed flames with velvet ropes—similar to those on the red carpet—on their body. A nice memory of the once-popular band. And, right below the ropes are his initials: Justin Randall Timberlake.

6) Guardian Angel—Back

Aside from the cross on his arm, Timberlake also has a guardian angel and angelic heaven backdrop on his back, which symbolizes his mother—his biggest supporter—as well his sister, who died at birth. The word "Guardian" refers to his sister, who he believes is his guardian angel.

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