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Instagram: Gotta give Memphis a moment here. It's my hometown. Our song BETTER DAYS is out now...

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Gotta give Memphis a moment here. It's my hometown, but it's also a big part of music history and American history. @StaxMuseum is home to the greatest hits of Otis Redding — it's also, sadly, where we lost Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968. Felt fitting to celebrate this new administration here. Our song BETTER DAYS is out now... with a special version including a message by Gospel Legend @KirkFranklin. Link in my bio (and stories) to get it.

And THANK YOU to my friends at @StaxAcademy for performing with us on your grounds in our hometown. This place nurtures the next generation of great soul communicators. And as we've learned this year, it's those young voices that are so crucial to creating much needed change.

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