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I need you girl
Hey, I really need you
I need you girl
(Let me tell you something)
I think I'm getting in charge (yeah)
So feel the party codes (yeah)
With all my Gs in the back (yeah)
Who needs a bodyguard (yeah)
I think I need to...Release I am out of control
I'm out of body
Release I am out of control
Whose here to party
Release I am out of control
I'm out of body
Release I am out of control
I'm out of…(Oh, yeah)
I push the party stars (yeah)
They just can't even see me (yeah)
We flame the party hard (yeah)
I think I need to...Release I am out of control
I'm out of body
Release I am out of control
Whose here to party
Release I am out of control
I'm out of body
Release I am out of control
I'm out of…Who holds the party strikes?
He keeps the party bumping
The club is over packed
Look this can't wait till dawn (yeah)
We've got a video (yeah)
I think we're late for our shoot (yeah)
We had our video (yeah)
Hey, these girls ain't cute (yeah)
They want me to do my part (yeah)
But first I gotta...Release I am out of control
I'm out of body
Release I am out of control
Whose here to party
Release I am out of control
I'm out of body
Release I am out of control
I'm out of…
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