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en español

  • Artista: Lil Wayne
  • Colaborador: Justin Timberlake
  • Visitas: 1392
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I think I heard something the way your body moves it makes me wanna do something
and your 5.1 surround has got my speaker bumping
you drop it so hot but I need to hear your bass bumping
so turn the volume up and
I think I heard something the way your body moves it makes me wanna do something
and your 5.1 surround has got my speaker bumping so go ahead and let me know you ain't afraid of nothing turn the volume up and
make your body talk
la 22x
and if your body talk come on
la 22x
I need to hear your body talk some more

Lil Wayne:
I can make her body talk to me
I can make that thing jump off of her and walk to me
Baby girl you're looking like a theme park to me
I mean you're looking like stars in the dark to me
I feel like I'm on Mars and you're apart from me
Leonardo making love is an art for me
New Gallardo kind of small but it works for me
Baby doll I'm at your neck like a shirt button
What'chyou trying to do,twerk something
I can make yoyou feel good when it hurt honey
Left yoyou alone, the nerve of him
Shhhh... I think I heard something

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