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Descarga y letra de Boutique In Heaven

Descarga la nueva pista bonus de FutureSex/LoveSounds:

Boutique In Heaven (Bonus Track)

Hey Girl
Come here for a minute
I wanna ask you something
Don’t be shy, just come over here
I Just wanna know where you got all that from
Oh, you don’t know? Oh…
Look here

Verse 1
Somebody must be pissed off in heaven
Cause we got an angel for free
You look like you were made just for me
I’m not crazy, it’s just a possibility
But seriously…

I’m saying hey baby
Where’d you get all that pretty from?
I’m saying hey baby,
Where’d you get all of that beauty from?

Verse 2
You look like a Cosmopolitan model, so
How’s about a drink, a cosmopolitan?
I wanna get you drunk, no wait, I’d rather you remember
All the things we’re gonna do tonight, ooo

I’m saying hey baby
Where’d you get all that pretty from?
I’m saying hey baby,
Where’d you get all of that beauty from?
And to top it all off…

Where’d you get your hips, your lips
Must have got ‘em at a boutique in heaven
Where’d you get your boobs, your ass
Must have got ‘em at a boutique in heaven

And I know your beauty wasn’t cheap
You’re rich
I know your beauty wasn’t cheap
Cause you’re expensive looking
You’re sexy and sophisticated
You’re looking like a million bucks, yeah
@#%$ it, a trillion bucks, yeah

Sexy and sophisticated
I’m so glad you and me dated, yeah
You could be my trophy girl, yeah
But still…

I’m asking where’d you get that pretty from
She must have got it at a boutique in heaven
I’m asking where’d you get that beauty from
She must have got it at a boutique in heaven
I’m asking where’d you get that pretty from
She must have got it at a boutique in heaven
I’m asking where’d you get that beauty from
She must have got it at a boutique in heaven

I’m sorry baby
I didn’t mean to make you blush like that
I just had to know
See, I told you you were shy
But that’s cool, yeah
Usually so am I

I’m saying hey baby,
Where’d you get all of that pretty from?
I’m saying hey baby,
Where’d you get that beauty from?

And if it’s okay with you, I’d like to…

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