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(Rumor) Justin decidido a pedirle matrimonio a Jessica Justin Timberlake

Comunidad Noticias y opinión (Rumor) Justin decidido a pedirle matrimonio a Jessica

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    Justin Timberlake spotted ring shopping

    Pop star Justin Timberlake has been shopping for an engagement ring as rumours continue that he will soon ask Jessica Biel to marry him.

    The singer is reportedly planning to propose to Biel and is asking her close friends to help him choose the perfect diamond band.

    A pal of Jessica’s told the Chicago Sun Times newspaper: «Justin has been ring shopping, and we’re talking serious, major Harry Winston-type shopping here.

    «He has been quizzing Jessica’s closest pals and associates, trying to get a take on the kind of engagement rings she has admired. The only comment I ever heard Jessica make was when she complimented a mutual friend’s square-cut emerald ring – when a girlfriend of ours got engaged.

    «It was huge!»

    Justin’s friends claim the SexyBack singer realised he wanted to take his relationship with Jessica to the next level after their busy work schedules kept them apart for long periods.

    Last month, it was claimed Justin was ready to marry Jessica on the privately owned island of Mustique in the West Indies.

    A source said: «Justin is 27 and thinking about marriage and kids. For the first time in his life he is feeling settled and has definitely decided to pop the question to Jessica.»

    Fuente: Bang! Showbiz
    Fecha: Thursday, 05 June 2008

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Re: Responder #13898 en (Rumor) Justin decidido a pedirle matrimonio a Jessica

Se me habia olvidado comentar eso, a mi no me parece normal que esten criticando a Jessica y poniendola como la peor del mundo cuando ni la conocen y si Justin la a elegido desde luego por algo será, y..ataques de celos.. me parece lo más normal del mundo que cuando tienes pareja tambien tengas celos pero pasar de eso a llamarlo ataque de celos..me parece muy exagerado pq ya sabemos como es la prensa con estas cosas y no hay que olvidar q lo único que conocemos de esta relación es lo que nos dice la prensa del corazón que sobre todo en estos casos les gusta ser muy sensacionalistas y realmente estan interfiriendo en nuestra propia opinión pasando de ser la nuestra a la suya

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