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Instagram, benbrunotraining: Two weeks ago @justintimberlake tore his MCL. Being the legend he is...

  • Visitas: 12

benbrunotraining Two weeks ago @justintimberlake tore his MCL. Being the legend he is, he kept it to himself and proceeded to crush two more shows. Rather than sit around and feel sorry for himself, he's back in the gym crushing it. There's always ways to work around injuries, and it's important to focus on what you CAN do rather than dwell on what you can't do. This mindset is what makes Justin so great at what he does. PS- this hollow-body floor press is a great way to work upper body and core at the same time. Justin is using 50 pounds here and making it look easy, but trust me, these are brutal. Also note that he's rocking some Kobe/Tinker 11s. Must be that #mambamentality #noexcuses

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