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Justin Timberlake por «Play Sport» en la revista Details

La imagen del perfume «Play Sport» reveló en una entrevista a a la publicación Details que su pasó por *NSYNC terminó por convertirlo en una marioneta, situación que lo hacía sentirse un «imbécil».

«Hubo muchos momentos durante mi adolescencia en la que sucumbí a las rarezas del grupo del que formaba parte. Al tratar de conformarnos, nos convertimos en marionetas. Terminé pareciendo un imbécil», expresó Justin Timberlake, imagen del perfume de Givenchy.
El cantante reconoce que aunque le gustaba estar a la moda en esos años de carrera musical, no es partidario de que los hombres pasen mucho tiempo arreglándose.

«No me gusta cuando veo a algunos chicos usar mucho gel en el pelo. Y no me refiero a Pauly D, porque eso es un arte, sino cuando usas tanta gomina que tu pelo parece una escultura. Eso es raro», señaló.

También confesó que el pelo corto es mucho mejor que los rizos rubios que llevaba hace años.

«Da miedo cuando lo haces por primera vez (cortarte los rizos) porque no sabes lo que hay ahí abajo, pero estar rapado es lo más sencillo», añadió el actor.

My Grooming Ritual: Justin Timberlake

The multitalented superstar reveals his distaste for excessive hair product, his ‘stache secret, and his passion for electric toothbrushes.

Secret to Staying Fresh-Faced
«Kiehl’s always makes good stuff, and I like their Facial Fuel because it’s simple and clean. Plus it’s got a little tingle to it, so you feel like it’s doing something».

Indulgence Every Man Should Try
«Going to an actual barbershop—the whole hot-towel, old-school experience. You sit there and get your hands massaged while getting a shave? Nothing wrong with that».

Sportsman’s Necessity
«The only thing I get kind of anal about is sunblock when I’m playing golf—at least SPF 30. There’s no one brand I’m partial to, just anything that doesn’t have a gang of chemicals in it».

Pet Peeve
«I don’t like when I see guys do too much hair gel. I don’t mean Pauly D—because that’s basically performance art. But when you use enough hair gel that your hair becomes a sculpture—and you wanted it to look that way? It’s just weird».

Beard Strategy
«The one trick that works for me is to keep the mustache above the lip trimmed neater, so I really don’t have to worry about the rest of it. That changes everything».

Favorite Look
«A shaved head. It’s scary the first time you do it, because you don’t know what’s under there—you could have some weird knot—but a shaved head is just so easy».

Perils of Pack Dressing
«There were many moments in my teenage years where I succumbed to, um, the weirdness of the group I was in. And in trying to conform—we’re marionettes!— I ended up looking like a moron».

Desert-Island Essentials
«Just an electric toothbrush and some floss. I broke out my Sonicare two years ago, and my dentist is way more complimentary now. And some Crest Glide floss, with the Scope mint. You gotta clean your gums, man. Talking about it makes me want to floss right now».

The Fragrance
«Sport mixes in a little more citrus, mint, and ginger than the original Play. I feel like Play’s a nighttime thing, and Sport I’ll wear 24 hours a day».

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