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Givenchy sortea la fragancia Play firmada por Justin Timberlake

Givenchy sortea un bote de su nueva fragancia, firmado por su embajador, Justin Timberlake. La promoción sólo incluye residentes de EE.UU., para más detalles visita iheartradio.com. Por otro lado, Elle Magazine en su entrega de septiembre nos ofrece un artículo sobre el cantante y más promocion de la fragancia, que recientemente ha llegado a las tiendas norteamericanas.

Asimismo, Cosmopolitan realizó una pequeña entrevista al cantante.
Cosmo: Your new scent for men is called Play. Why two versions?
Justin: One is more day; one is more night. I like the day one best. It has a lot of citrus in it, like grapefruit. I found out, working with the perfumer, that I’m really drawn to citrus. So I was like «Can we add even more citrus to this?» The girls seem to like Intense [the night version] because it’s musky and a little more sensual.
Cosmo: Where is your favorite place to smell a scent on a woman?
Justin: The neck. It’s the first place you go when you come close. And her hair. Freshly washed hair smells amazing.
Cosmo: Is there any special way that you apply fragrance?
Justin: On bare skin before getting dressed. I spray my chest, neck, and then each wrist.
Cosmo: What does Jessica Biel think of it?
Justin: She likes it.
Cosmo: Do you think it’s a scent she would wear?
Justin: Yeah, and I think it’s sexy when a woman wears a guy’s scent.

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