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Ronda de preguntas y respuestas con Justin Timberlake en Twitter

Justin Timberlake tuvo una pequeña ronda de preguntas y respuestas con los usuarios de Twitter ayer durante diez minutos. A continuación listamos las preguntas/respuestas (leer de abajo a arriba) que el cantante publicó en su página personal de Twitter.

  1. OK! First twitter convo a success!!! Gotta go guys… Be safe. And, thanks for the questions. Hope we learned the meaning of life today.

  2. No, you are. RT: @debbie2k9: @jtimberlake Are you bringing sexy back??

  3. They should have made a super group called the Bones. RT: @boxmeup: @jtimberlake Beatles or Stones?

  4. Through a mirror and with more wrinkles. RT: @marcedavalos: @jtimberlake how do you see yourself in 10 years

  5. Because God loved him more than me. RT: @sammiejobutler: @jtimberlake why arent u sexy like robert pattinson?

  6. It’s a toss up: sleepy Jonas or bashful jonas? via @daubed: @jtimberlake my friend must know: who’s your favorite jonas brother?

  7. Answered! @shannonlandis: @jtimberlake With the 10 bazillion questions ur receiving, Do u think it’s mathematically possible to answer mine?

  8. I don’t know . . . @lissygal5 why won’t you? RT: @jtimberlake why won’t I perform «sexy back» anymore?

  9. Yes! Best dog ever. RT: @KellyPinkHawk: @jtimberlake Have you ever had a Chicago Dog before?

  10. I thought the song was pretty explanatory, lol RT: unique280485: @jtimberlake quick question, whats with the whole dick in a box thing?

  11. I believe mustard to be one of the most amazing condiments RT: @leahraegirl: @jtimberlake I MUST KNOW IF YOU LIKE MUSTARD!!!

  12. His name @socko139, is Andy, but he loves it when you call him Adam.

  13. Easy on the personal guys.

  14. Quick fire answers: @lcmelody. Oatmeal, vanilla, dawn & dusk, day & night, can’t answer that last one, too personal…

  15. here’s something i never thought i would say… my twitter is stuck…

  16. No @smithereeeeens: @jtimberlake Have I told you lately that I love you? But I take that as you playing hard to get.

  17. live twitter with Justin from 2:35 pacific to 2:45. Use @jtimberlake for questions.

  18. Yes, answering you questions in 3 minutes @hannnnnnnah

  19. scratch that, use @jtimberlake for questions.

  20. Could it be any hotter in LA?

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¿Por que esos tweets no estan en su perfil? los quise ver y no estan:/

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