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Elle: Justin Timberlake & Mila Kunis perdidos en la lujuria

Ciertamente Justin Timberlake se ha deshecho de su imagen de ídolo adolescente y ahora, en su carrera como actor, parece sentirse cómodo como símbolo sexual.

En la nueva edición de la revista Elle, en la que aparece en portada junto a su compañera de reparto en «Friends With Benefits» Mila Kunis, el cantante confiesa que ha pasado unas cuantas vergüenzas en la cama, pero en especial destacó la vez que su madre lo sorprendió practicando sexo con una chica.

«Mi madre se molestó porque era muy joven para estar en la cama con una chica», confiesa Timberlake, quién admite que no cree en el «sexo sin compromisos», el tema principal de la comedia romántica que se estrenará el 22 de julio en el país norteamericano.

Lust In Translation: Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis

On screen, Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis are friends with benefits. Off screen, they’re available and up for playing our dating game. Get a sneak peek at our August cover story here, and to read the complete interview and see all the photos, pick up the August issue of ELLE!

ELLE: «Friends with benefits»: a good idea or a bad idea?
Justin Timberlake: [Smiles] It is such a good idea—until it’s a bad idea.
Mila Kunis: I concur. Ultimately, it ends when someone wants to go and get serious with somebody. More times than not, a person catches feelings and somebody gets hurt.

ELLE: I think any time someone is rubbing up against your nether regions, you’re going to develop an emotional attachment.
Mila Kunis: Yeah, when a female orgasms, a hormone gets released. I’ve never met a girl who can have sex without an ounce of feeling.
Justin Timberlake: Aha! Is that just a woman convincing herself so she feels like it’s okay to have sex with someone?
Mila Kunis: Fifty-fifty.
Justin Timberlake: So it’s the same thing as with guys! Women are just lying to themselves.

ELLE: Playing friends with benefits, what was your costar most self-conscious about while shooting the nude scenes?
Mila Kunis: [To Justin]You’ve got a fine ass. I was self-conscious about a lot of things. Show me one girl who isn’t.
Justin Timberlake: I’ll be honest and say, like, I’m still trying to get into the editing room and cut down on my ass time. I’m like, «Oh my God, my mom’s gonna see that!»

ELLE: As in the film, have either of your parents ever walked in on you while you were in flagrante delicto?
Justin Timberlake: I was caught one time. My mom wasn’t cool about it. I was too young to be in bed with a girl, so she was upset.
Mila Kunis: I don’t think my parents think I’ve ever had sex.

ELLE: Most annoying thing your costar did on set?
Justin Timberlake: She would serenade me, all of us, in the makeup trailer—
Mila Kunis: I can’t sing.
Justin Timberlake: Couldn’t carry a tune if I put it in a bucket for her. It’s awesome, though, because she does not give a shit.

ELLE: Let’s talk about how amazing your costar Woody Harrelson is playing a gay magazine photo editor.
Justin Timberlake: He gets the most gut-busting laughs. Everybody wants to know: «Did you smoke pot with Woody?» We did! Will [Gluck] and I put that basketball scene in the movie just because we both love White Men Can’t Jump.

ELLE: In this film, there’s a five-date rule before you sleep with someone. What if you’re so attracted to a person that you want to end the first date in bed?
Justin Timberlake: Ooh, I would probably steer away from it. As a matter of fact, I definitely would steer away from it.

ELLE: Earth to Justin… Perfect first date?
Justin Timberlake: Something more simple than extravagant. Scrabble.
Mila Kunis: Monopoly.
Justin Timberlake: Scrabble’s a good date. If she can’t spell, I don’t want to hang out with her. So that’s a good test.
Mila Kunis: I can’t spell at all. [To Justin] Now we’ll never be friends.

ELLE: Strangest question a date ever asked you?
Justin Timberlake: I had a date ask me one time if I had found God. I’m a sick human being—I mean, I answered, «Yeah, he’s in my pants». So, the date didn’t go that much longer because—
Mila Kunis: She didn’t kneel at your altar?
Justin Timberlake: [Ignoring Mila] My date thought that was crass, and I thought that asking me about God was crass, so…

ELLE: Mila, who is your older-man crush?
Mila Kunis: George Clooney and Johnny Depp.

ELLE: In romance, are you ruled by your head or heart?
Mila Kunis: My heart. I’m trying to lead with my head. I am. I’m trying! I’m failing.
Justin Timberlake: She’s lying. Don’t ever change, kiddo. I’m a pushover too. I’m not really all that smart, so I don’t really have anything to lead with except my heart.

ELLE: Now that you’re both single, do you find it hard to date? Must be tough being in the public eye.
Mila Kunis: I haven’t dated ever.
Justin Timberlake: I’m not equipped to answer that right now.

Elle, E! News

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