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noviembre 11, 2007 Otras noticias recientes

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El FutureSex/LoveShow lidera el Top 20 en la venta de tickets

Justin Timberlake heads the list of this week’s top 20 concert tours The Top 20 Concert Tours ranks artists by average box office gross per city and includes the average ticket price for shows in North America. The previous week’s ranking is in parentheses. The list is based on data provided to the trade publication Pollstar by concert promoters and venue managers. TOP 20 CONCERT TOURS 1. (1) Justin Timberlake; $1,724,905; $82.64.

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Crítica «FutureSex/LoveShow»: Perth Burswood, Australia

Timberlake Rocks His Body at Burswood IT was a capacity crowd at Burswood Dome as they eagerly awaited one of the sexiest musicians in the world, Justin Timberlake. Theatrics was the name of the game with a circular split-level stage, sheer moving screens and over-the-top lighting effects promising more than your standard performer propped at a piano. As Timberlake emerged from the centre of the stage and the screen slowly rose, the crowd went…

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