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Feliz 26 Cumpleaños Justin

Fans Sing to Justin on His 26th Birthday
By Eileen Travers

Justin Timberlake’s «Future Sex/Love Sounds» concert in Montreal on Wednesday turned into one big 26th birthday bash for the singer — complete with thousands of fans singing and a birthday cake with candles onstage.

During the two-hour performance at Canada’s Bell Centre, fans held up homemade «Happy Birthday» signs and twice spontaneously broke into «Happy Birthday to You» to serenade Timberlake during rare lulls between his songs.

«You guys are trying to say something to me, but I don’t know what it is, » cracked a smiling Timberlake. «This is the loudest crowd I’ve had so far».

Hip-hop producer and rapper Timbaland, who worked on Timberlake’s FutureSex/LoveSounds album, toasted the birthday boy with a shot of tequila onstage. And after the final song, Timbaland presented his pal with a white frosted oval-shaped birthday cake dappled with decorations and topped with candles.

«For y’all who don’t know, this is my friend», Timbaland told the crowd. «It’s not about the music. I love this guy».

The birthday boy smiled and blew out the candles. «I won’t forget the cake», said Timberlake, who finger-swiped a taste of frosting.

As the auditorium’s video screens flashed the message «Happy Birthday Justin» and the crowd sang for him, Timberlake said, «Thank you very much. This has been a totally amazing evening. Thank you for making my 26th birthday so amazing».

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